Saturday, November 17, 2012


It's a great day! I am pleasured today to write expressly on a multidimensional subject. Just as by looking through a prism we can begin to see different reflections of the same source of light. So also in this discussion we will see a trend leading to another.


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On my short 'get -away' to my country home in Western Nigeria, I kept thinking about 'the box' and the popular catchy statement "Thinking outside the box!". This is my reflection on 'the box' and it is meant to be a collective discussion thread,your views are clearly welcome. I believe we all see things from different perspectives and when we share from different angles we get the best of all sides.

I pondered on the nature of this 'box' and I know there is more to the cliche 'Thinking outside the box' so i began to raise a lot of questions. I believe the school of thought which says to arrive at the right answers we must first be able to ask the right questions.Questions open for us an expansive line of thought.

So I began to ask, what is the nature of the box?

what is the content of the box?

Where is the box?

Why is there much-ado about the box?

Who owns the box ?

And what can be done with the box?

What are your views about the cliche 'thinking outside the box'. I welcome your comments on these till we meet again!

Your great friend

Emmanuel Ayeni!

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